As with any vehicle, it’s important to keep safety a priority when operating a truck and always be ready for any challenge that may come up. That’s why the experts at DeBary Truck Sales have provided some tips for tackling one of the biggest hazards of driving a truck downhill: brake failure.

When your vehicle slips out of control on a steep decline, it can be hazardous for you and those around you. Fortunately, you can use truck escape ramps to quickly slow down your truck in such an emergency situation. Read on to learn more about runaway truck escape ramps, and if you’ve got any questions, feel free to get in touch with us.

What Are Truck Escape Ramps?

Truck escape ramps are used as a safety mechanism on steep downhill grades to bring trucks or other heavy-duty vehicles to a halt in the event of brake failure. These ramps can be found at designated emergency locations and they look like an exit ramp off the highway into a dead end. While some escape ramps use a combination of momentum-halting materials like gravel or sand, others use gravity by forcing the vehicle up a steep incline to decrease the speed. You’ll find them commonly on highways with downward slopes where the brakes will be used on a constant basis and there are high chances of malfunctioning.

How to Use Them?

The moment you notice that your truck’s brakes are not working, your first instinct may be to jerk the wheel to the side of the road as fast as you can. However, this can cause a serious collision or make your vehicle jack-knife or flip over on its side, endangering not only you but other motorists, too. Remain calm and quickly think about an exit strategy. You’ll want to immediately turn on hazards or your turn signals to indicate to other commuters that you’re in distress so they can get out of your way.

While you do this, engage your Jake brake to slow down the truck. This will allow you to control your vehicle and move around slower traffic. The next step is to locate a truck escape ramp and center your truck as best as you can to avoid colliding with the barriers on both sides. When you hit the ramp and drive up the sand or gravel path, you’ll need to keep the wheel as steady as possible. If you’re safe to get out of your truck and look it over, then you can try to figure out what went wrong. In case you are injured, it’s best to wait for emergency services to arrive so you can get medical help.

It’s good to have a plan of action in place for emergency situations like these, but we’d recommend taking preventative maintenance measures to avoid brake failure and other breakdowns. If you’re looking to buy a truck, visit DeBary Truck Sales in Sanford, FL. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you! We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Atlanta, GA.