Frequently Asked Questions About Sleeper Truck Maintenance

Apr. 2 2020 Lifestyle By ___

Maintenance helps keep your sleeper truck out of the repair shop and on the road where it belongs. Some tasks should only be done by a professional, but there are many steps you can take to keep your sleeper truck running well. 

We've created the following guide to common questions about sleeper truck maintenance. If you want more advice or need to get your sleeper truck serviced, head over to DeBary Truck Sales. We are located in Sanford, Florida, and also proudly serve those in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Is Preventative Sleeper Truck Maintenance Important?

In short, yes! As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A little work upfront can save you plenty of time and money down the road. Preventative maintenance can keep some issues from happening and can keep other issues from turning into more costly problems.

Is the Expense of Sleeper Truck Maintenance Worth It?

Definitely. While it does cost time and money to maintain your sleeper truck, it's a worthwhile investment. Maintenance can prevent more expensive repairs, which cost you in parts replacement, labor fees, and lost productivity due to the sleeper truck sitting in the repair shop. Plus, sleeper truck maintenance keeps you and others safe on the road, which is priceless.

How Do I Keep Track of Preventative Maintenance Tasks?

With so many possible sleeper truck tasks, it can be tough keeping everything organized. We recommend building out a schedule that breaks down tasks based on how often you need to do them.

Start with your sleeper truck's manufacturer's recommendations, which you can find in the owner's manual or online. Then look up the recommendations from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations. Using both of these resources, you can build a well-rounded sleeper truck maintenance calendar.

How Can I Prepare for Maintenance on the Road?

It's possible that you'll run into a maintenance issue while you are on the road. You'll want to keep your sleeper truck stocked with a toolkit so you can handle simple repairs, such as replacing a burnt-out light or changing a flat tire.

Even if you have the skills to handle an issue, always make sure that it is safe to do so. You may end up with a sleeper truck rig at night on the side of the freeway with plenty of high-speed traffic zipping past you. In these types of situations, it's usually best to call a tow truck rather than risk your safety handling a repair.

Which Maintenance Tasks Can I Do Myself?

There are some sleeper truck maintenance tasks that even beginners can handle, such as checking the tire pressure or checking fluid levels. Drivers with more experience and knowledge can handle an even wider range of maintenance tasks. But there are still some projects best left to professionals. The more complex the task, the more you will want to trust a professional.

Is Cleaning My Sleeper Truck Important?

Yes, for many reasons:

  • A messy interior, such as one full of crumbs and old food packages, can attract pests. These pesky intruders may be small, but they can cause plenty of damage.

  • Dirty windows and mirrors can hurt your visibility, increasing the chances of an accident.

  • Caked-on debris can damage the sleeper truck's exterior.

We hope you found this guide useful! If you have questions or need to visit a service department, visit the experts at DeBary Truck Sales. Our friendly staff is happy to provide advice, repair your sleeper truck, or even help you find the best model to add to your fleet. Whatever you need, you'll find with us. Our dealership is based in Sanford, FL, and we also proudly serve those in Atlanta, GA.